Fiona Neil
 Before the image (on the right) was taken (during Covid) I was going through a tough time like everyone else was during the pandemic. All the small things about life were heightened, hope was fading, the stress was piling. I also at the time was studying Sport Therapy, which I enjoyed but was finding challenging and was struggling a lot with the exams. I felt overwhelmed and that day had stayed in bed all day.
I decided to get out in the evening around 7:00 pm and go to a place which I knew had great views for the sunset (near Snowshill). I drove my car and came across two horses just grazing contently, which filled me with peace. The field that I always parked in to watch the sun go down was occupied by someone else, so I parked at the nearest lay by and got out of my car to take a photo of the sunset. I was greeted by this beautiful horse. The simple thing of stroking the horse filled me with happiness and joy. I got out my phone to take a photo and the picture just came together. 
This photo is the highlight of my covid/photography experience because throughout all the stress and all the despair in the world I found beauty in a beautiful moment that I will never forget. 
Photos allow us to feel what we felt in that moment. I don’t need an image to remember certain moments. But, for me emotions are there to help spark existence into something chaotic and beautiful.